Joining in on 2015 December Daily® - a Christmas Memory Keeping Project Inspired by

December 1

All year long I look forward to the holiday season and then, before I really even know what is happening, it's here and in full swing.  I'm not complaining, because I love this time of year but for the first time ever I'm finding myself feeling discombobulated and out of sorts this holiday season. 

In years past, I would usually start Christmas shopping in August and have finished up by the beginning of November. Then, during the first of November, I put up our Christmas decorations and take on the holiday festivities as they come... This year however, my mind has been preoccupied with work and personal matters, my husband has worked a lot of overtime keeping him away and this morning I found myself realizing that Christmas is only a little over three weeks away. At this point, I've already gone through several of my favorite Christmas traditions without having the presence of mind to appreciate it all.   That made me sad... This is a precious time of year with fond memories and strong family traditions. I am not going to let them just pass me by!

When I began seeing images filtering into social media of December Daily® preparations and albums, I told myself I wasn't going to take on another project this year. After all, I have barely scrapbooked in the last three months aside from my creative team duties. Oh, but all the lovely things kept showing up in my news feeds! And I wanted them all.  I took a look at our budget and realized it wasn't going to allow for me to sign up for Ali Edwards class nor the Studio Calico class.  In addition, there was only a small amount available for any new products.  I considered doing the project digitally for a short while, but told myself I'd really want to touch and feel the project in order to keep me interested.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, while we were out of town, I committed to the project and bought what supplies my budget would allow. I joined the December Daily® Facebook group, and have been pouring over Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration.

Today is the first day I've had time to sit down and think about my intentions for the project.  After reading Ali's blog post today, I really feel a strong desire to be more present minded and focus on the stories of this holiday season. So while some of my favorite moments like decorating the house (which I did alone this year) and sending off our Operation Christmas Child boxes (we missed church that Sunday because of work) have already come and gone, I can still tell the stories!

I hope you'll join me. It's not too late to begin! In the next few days, I plan to share my supplies, plus how I'll be using specific words and song titles for inspiration! In addition, I'll be sharing my completed pages here on my blog when time permits and of course, I will mostly share on Instagram.  Follow me here.

"December Daily® is a December mini-album project created by Ali Edwards that documents the 25 days leading up to Christmas. The simple goal is to capture the spirit of December via one story per day." Click here to visit Ali's website for more information and to find her awesome products.