Joy | Weekly Photo & Story Prompt

Finding joy in our daily lives sometimes comes easy, sometimes does not... Depending on life's circumstances, it can feel evasive but then there's always that tiny little spark of happiness that happens and brings a smile to our face.   For me, I thrive on finding that silver lining, those little daily joys. 

This week, document what brings you joy.  It can be big, small, one thing, or several things. Regardless, ponder over this and then jot it down and grab a photo or two to go along with your words.

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#ThisWeek | A weekly photo & story prompt for memory keepers originated by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue designed to encourage others to take a photograph and spend time creating a story based on the weekly theme. Together, in collaboration with other talented creatives, #ThisWeek is a free, fun, and inspiring challenge allowing you to join in any time, any way that best fits your schedule. Play along by sharing on social media under #hashtagthisweek or by linking up via