Refresh | Weekly Prompt and Link Up for Memory Keepers and Creative Bloggers

One of my favorite parts of springtime is how everything becomes new again. New blossoms, fresh air, warm breezes... It all revitalizes the soul and brings a happy comfort with it.

Spring has a way of making me feel light - encouraging me to think about those times I can unwind, recharge, and soak up the moment. This week, let's documenting the refreshing things that happen in life. It could be something simple such as a cool drink in the sunshine or something as deep as a moment that made your spirit feel full.

Share your photos, stories, and projects on social media under #hashtagthisweek or post them in our Facebook group!  Also, feel free to submit your own ideas for a future prompt and be featured as a guest!

#HashtagThisWeek | A weekly prompt for creative bloggers and memory keepers! Each week, find a new prompt that is free, fun and offers an inspiring challenge. Take a photo, write a blog post, create a scrapbook page, or make an entry in your journal, traveler's notebook or planner! You can join in any time and participate in any way that best fits your schedule. Created by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue and shared in collaboration with other talented creatives! Find more info at