Holiday Bucket List | Weekly Prompt for Memory Keepers plus a Link Up!



Ahh the holidays... Lots of hustle and bustle, family gatherings, gift wrapping, and cookie baking!  It's my favorite time of year.  I love these next two months and don't buy into the bah-humbug spirit.  For once, I enjoy having a positive outlook on the excitement that's coming.  So... I encourage you to put together a Holiday Bucket List.  Maybe its a list of activities you want to partake in, or a list of things you'd like do.  Or better yet, maybe it's a list of quiet relaxing moments you wish to have among all the merriment this season brings. Whatever it is, create a list and then share it with us!

Link Up Your Project:

#HashtagThisWeek | A weekly photo & story prompt for memory keepers originated by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue designed to encourage others to take a photograph and spend time creating a story based on the weekly theme. Together, in collaboration with other talented creatives, #HashtagThisWeek is a free, fun, and inspiring challenge allowing you to join in any time, any way that best fits your schedule. Play along by sharing on social media under #hashtagthisweek or by linking up via