6x8 Project Life Spread "List It" | Using One Little Bird Designs

 These week's prompt is List It.   Lists are my go-to form of organizing my thoughts and ideas as well as how I set reminders of things that need to be done.  I have found over the years if I write something down, I'm more likely to remember it. 

So to do lists run rampant.... I have a to do list on my desk at work for the activities that I need to accomplish that day. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. What is completed get checked off, what was partially done and needs finishing gets starred and what needs to be done tomorrow gets marked through and written down for tomorrow.

Because of the fact that my iPhone pretty much goes everywhere with me, I keep the rest of my lists in the notepad app on my phone. Currently, there are 12 rotating lists there.  I have three to do lists - one for me personally, one for the photography business, and one for the Record Life blog.  I also have a list of items we have already purchased for our Operational Christmas Child boxes that we are collecting for, a list of movies we'd like to see, a meal list I can quick reference when I'm too tired to think of something to make, a list of pricing for my photography business, and a list of instructions for anyone who may have to keep Addie in an emergency situation (this did happen once).  Some of those lists on my phone, have lists within a list. Forming lists gives me a an organized, visual method to my thought madness. Checking items off those lists, especially the to do lists, gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

In my 6x8 Project Life spread this week, I used the Per Diem Journal Card Set by One Little Bird.  This set is simply adorable and matched so well with my photos.  I wanted to do with an industrial feel so I added a light bulb metal paper clip and a metal binder clip. 

I used a screenshot from the Notepad App on both my iPhone and hubby's iPhone then journaled using the Collect App and printed out one 3x4 Polaroid and one 4x6 polaroid photo.  I also included a 5x7 insert that I added some of our little notes and lists to. Lastly, since I wanted to document something besides HOW we use our lists, I also wrote a list of all our current bills and the amounts we pay so in 20+ years we can look back (and probably laugh!).

Do you make lists? If so, what kind and how do you organize them?   Do your lists make it into your scrapbooks?  If so, I'd love for you to come link up this week! You can find the link up here.